


I survived a very abusive childhood (enough said about that).  Then, at 12, I survived a Near Death Experience (September 29, 1980) and at 14 I experienced a very conscious Out-of-Body Experience (May 1, 1982).  Subsequently, I began to 'recognize' and 'know about' certain people.  But for many years, I didn't realize these impractical 'recognitions' and 'knowings' were souls on the Other Side attempting to communicate with their loved ones through me.

After high school, I had a short stint in the Army (1987), became a Certified Nursing Assistant (1988) and then a Buddhist (April 15, 1989) and a monk (September 22, 1990).  My Buddhist Teachers are Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition and Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, founder of the Tergar Meditation Community.  Thus, I have the shaved head and unusual name.

A friend suggested I read Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman (1997).  Then, after asking Spirit the why and how of Creation (2000), I received the symbol-keys of the Triangle-Square-Cross in a 'dream class'.  This led me to the Edgar Cayce Readings and Dr. Joe Dispenza, the primary sources of my 'mind study'.  My biological father passed (April 8, 2012) and over the next year, my research led me to attend a Gallery Reading by Medium Joshua-John (March 17, 2013) during which my deceased father told me “to get off my ass” and begin formally studying and practicing Mediumship, despite working 2 full-time jobs as a CNA.

The rest, you could say, is history...




PO BOX 41293

EUGENE, OR  97404





Johanna Barlett

Open and Closed Development Circle from 2013-2017

James Van Praagh

Mediumship Certification 1 on June 12, 2017

Mediumship Certification 2 on January 1, 2018

Andy Byng

Sitting in the Power course in 2018

Year I Complete Mediumship Progressive, in 2018

Colour and the Soul course in 2018

Year II Mediumship Demonstration Progressive in 2019

Me, Myself and I course in 2019

Colour and Mediumship course in 2019

The Private Sitting Medium course in 2019

Year III Continuing Progressive in 2020-2021

The Awakened Medium in April 2020

The Essence of the Communicator in June 2020


Samuel Watson quote
my philosophy


Private (practice) readings

  • Always meet the need of incarnate recipient(s).
  • Can be psychic (dealing with the recipient) or mediumistic (dealing with disincarnate loved ones and friends).
  • Are online (Zoom or Skype), or by telephone by appointment, due to Covid-19.
  • Generally have 1-2 participants*.

$50 per person

Group readings

  • Can meet the need of incarnate recipient(s) and/or the need of disincarnate communicator(s).
  • Are online (Zoom or Skype), or by telephone by appointment, due to Covid-19.
  • Generally have 3-10 participants*.

$25 per person

Gallery readings

  • Discontinued until further notice due to Covid-19

$10 per person

Please be kind...

I really appreciate positive feedback &

Testimonials facilitate more readings.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

*Children under 18 should not attend a Reading.


Dear Kelsang,

I am Patty, the woman you gave the incredible reading to in the group with Joanna last week.  My husband Alex is the gentleman who came through and I am so very grateful, and still so amazed at how perfectly you gave the messages from him.  I drove home and could not sleep; it was a wondrous thing to hear so many things he had to say! However can I thank you for this fantastic gift, and the nice hug you gave me, it was wonderful. 

You are so gifted and kind, please know how much you touched my heart with your sharing.  THANK YOU, I will forever be grateful for that reading.  You have given such love with your incredible talent; I so appreciate your allowing his message to come through.

Your kindness will be remembered always in my heart.

Thank You So Much,

Patty Nelson

Hi Kelsang!
My reading with Kelsang was a wonderful experience! He was very professional and gracious during the reading, and the information was very accurate. I’m so thankful that I got to hear from my loved ones who have passed on through Kelsang, as his passionate and witty personality made it quite easy to be vulnerable.

Thank you!!!
-Cadence W.

This was our second reading with Kelsang he knew nothing about my wife and I.

Having lost several family members over the past few years they came forward to Kelsang to let us know they were ok.
The readings were accurate and left us speechless.
If you are ever interested in finding a loved one or family member that has passed thru this of communication, I would strongly recommend Kelsang.
Salvatore and Dawn Salmeri 

Since I have unfortunately lost many loved ones, I was hesitant to have a reading done if only for the reason that I wasn't sure if I was emotionally ready to open myself up to what messages I would receive. 
I know now that Kelsang has crossed my path for a reason. He immediately set me at ease and gave me a true sense of safety from beginning to the end of the reading. His psychic and spiritual reading was accurate and true. I left our session feeling relieved, invigorated, and surrounded by the love and support of my loved ones on the other side.
I highly recommend Kelsang to anyone who is searching for peace, inspiration, or encouragement. 
~ K.M.


An Introduction to the Principles of Spiritualism (Natural Law)

Spiritualism is the Religion Science, and Philosophy of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World. Religion: because it strives to understand and to comply with the physical, mental and spiritual Laws of Nature, which are also the Laws of God. Science:…

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